
Mood Vue

The Mood Vue app is for people with depression or bipolar disorder who want a clinically reliable way to track their mood.
Designed by a psychiatrist, it is a secure, easy-to-use and convenient app to help manage your mood.
A man using the app on a tablet

A Mood Tracking Application

Welcome to Mood Vue, your Mobile Tool to track and measure your mood in a clinically validated and secure manner.

What exactly does the app do?

It is an easy and accurate means of measuring your mood each day. There are two parts to Mood Vue App, the Mood Vue Scan, which gives you a more comprehensive assessment of your mood symptoms and the effect they have on you, and the Mood Vue Daily App, which is a quick and easy way to monitor your mood daily. Each day that you make entries to the App, you get mood scores on a dashboard and as a graphic display.

Who is it designed for?

The Mood Vue App is for people who have been diagnosed with depression or bipolar moods by a doctor. It is not designed to diagnose depression, bipolar or other moods, as such diagnoses can only be made by a doctor after a full examination.

The Functionality Of The Application

Some information on how Mood Vue tracks your mental state

Girl using the app on a mobile phone

Mood Vue Scan

Mood Vue Scan asks you a wide range of questions about your feelings, thoughts, sleep, energy, level of activity, physical pain, mood variation, outlook for the future and your overall level of functioning. These questions are designed to measure depression and bipolar moods and also anxiety and emotional reactivity.

Your replies are scored and separated into symptom clusters. From this is derived the scores for the following mood states: depression, anxiety, elation, mixed moods and emotional reactivity. The Mood Vue Scan App also reports on the intensity of your upsetting thoughts and overall level of functioning.

Mood Vue Daily

Mood Vue Daily is a 6-item questionnaire, based on the Mood Vue Scan and its brevity makes it easy to complete each day. It tracks and grades the intensity of symptoms of depression, anxiety, elation, mixed moods and emotional reactivity. It also monitors your outlook for the future.

Daily monitoring is a vital part of understanding mood patterns and how they are linked to certain stresses and triggers. Also, when you monitor your mood daily you can give your doctor or therapist a more accurate account of how you are than if you just rely on memory.

Frequently Asked Questions

View some of the more frequently asked questions about the Mood Vue Application

It is normal to feel depressed from time to time. Relatively mild and brief feelings of depression are considered to be normal in that they are common and do not tend to stop us getting on with our day-to-day activities. We are able to cope with them.

Clinical depression, in contrast to 'normal' depression, is more severe in its intensity, has many symptoms other than feeling depressed, such as poor energy, impaired concentration, disrupted sleep, lack of enthusiasm, and an inability to enjoy what they could previously. It is, also, more prolonged than 'normal depression'. In addition, because of its intensity, it affect the person ability to function at home, at work or socially.

Towards the end of your day, preferably 1-2 hours before your usual bedtime. This allows you report on how you have been feeling that day and how you slept the night before.

Mood Vue asks you specifically about the variations in your mood and so it is then unnecessary to make entries more than once each day. For this reason, Mood Vue is designed to take only one entry each day.

Yes, that is quite understandable and normal. Avoiding these upsetting feelings and thoughts is the mind's way of protecting itself from pain. When you first described these thoughts and feelings to your doctor, it probably upset you, but usually after doing this a few times it is no longer upsetting. It's the same with Mood Vue- daily recording becomes easy with time. Being aware of, and facing up to, your thoughts helps you to see how they may be upsetting your feelings and allows you to question if the thoughts are invalid or faulty. A daily record of your thoughts and mind and body feelings are invaluable in helping your doctor make an effective recovery plan for you.

Mood Vue does not retain any personal information, there is no 'log in' function and thus there are no registered users, nor are users email addresses retained. All data sent by you using Mood Vue app with your phone or tablet will be delivered to the server database anonymously over http connections. This ensures that the data in the server cannot be associated with you, the user.

Your doctor will find the following results useful:

The monthly graphs which are available in Mood Graphs, gives an immediate and clear picture of the intensity of, and the variations in, your mood. Along with sending graphs with the five mood states, you could open those with the 2-3 highest scores, so they can be looked at in greater detail.

The daily score for the 5 mood states is available in Past Entries > Summary, where you can select the results for the dates you wish to email to your doctor.

Your daily responses to the Mood Vue questionnaire lets your doctor see the individual symptoms that contribute to your mood scores.

You can show all of these results by:

Asking your doctor to look at the results on your phone or tablet.

Emailing them your results.

Printing a copy to bring to your appointment

No, Mood Vue does not monitor the use you make of your smartphone nor your level of activity based on your device's geolocation function. It asks you questions about your feelings and thoughts to determine which symptoms of the 5 mood states are present and their severity. Based on these results, it then calculates your mood scores.

If your sleep is disrupted by pain, needing to use the toilet, noise or other such factors score the sleep questions as you would if these factors were not present.

"Compared to normal level" means how your energy is when you are well. Similarly, with the question "Today, how was your activity level, compared to your usual level...", the word 'usual' means your level of activity when you are well.

Scoring feelings is remarkably reliable and accurate. Just trust the process. Go by what you feel, not by what you think you should feel. For example, if something has gone wrong at work today, you might think you should be anxious about it, but you are not. So, do not be tempted to score your anxiety level for example, as 6, when you are in fact not anxious at all and should score it zero. So when answering questions on the presence and intensity of feelings, focus on that feeling being enquired about in the question and ask yourself if it is present or not. Then, if present, how strong is the feeling. Try not to think about it.

Video Breakdown Of The Application

Watch a short video which explains how the application works

Mood Vue is that helping hand that helps you take control of your emotional health.

Application Showcase

View some of the different screen shots from the Mood Vue application